What are the exact properties (permissions) of folders and files for a website to work properly?

These are the properties that the folders must have in order for your web hosting to work properly:

    public_html> 0750
    subfolders within public_html> 0755
    subdomains> 0755
    additional domains> 0750

These are the correct properties of the files:

    normal files and / or images> 0644
    configuration files> 0600 or even 0400 (depending on the type of cms you must set it manually with filezilla)
    NB: For configuration files we recommend 0400 as it is more restrictive, but not always possible for all CMS (try if it doesn't work change it to 0600, in most situations 0400 works well)

  • proprietà, files, permessi, file
  • 1 Users Found This Useful
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