I need to add or have already added a domain or subdomain to my main hosting plan, but it doesn't work or I can't add it

The procedure to follow to add a domain to the web space (whether you want it as a car park or as an additional domain), is the following procedure:

1. change the nameservers to ours (you can copy them from the customer area > domains > my domains > details > "nameservers")
2. in addition to point 1 you can also transfer the domain to 4host.ch and it automatically assigns the correct nameservers
3. only provided that point 1 and/or 2 are "completed" (after a few hours for the new nameservers to be propagated) is it possible to do point 4
4. from cpanel > domains > Domains > click on "Create a New Domain"
5. if you intend to have a web space "separate" from the "document root" (i.e. from the main site of the hosting space) (e.g.: /home/account/public_html) remove the check and then indicate a suitable folder in the box below for yourdomain.ch

Attention: If the nameservers are not configured properly (as per point number 1), cPanel will not be able to park/add a given domain name, furthermore you must make sure that the hosting plan has sufficient parking of domain names or domains additional ones so that it is possible to park/add several.

This information is present in our price list and can therefore be consulted at this link:

After the parking action (created a domain alias) within cPanel, it is then possible to redirect the domain to another domain name with the domain redirection function (redirect) or, adding the domain, also publish a site in a folder defined by you as per point number 4 and 5.


Here is how to fix 403 (blocking) error when visiting an addon domain and/or subdomain:

The conditions for an addon or subdomain to work are as follows:

There must be an index file (eg: index.html or index.php )
The file must be configured: .htaccess (it must contain at least a valid directive eg: Options -Indexes)
Permissions must be configured correctly (see the end of this document for the correct permissions).

N.B: Provided that these 3 rules above are respected, the subdomain will not be deleted by our security software

In rare cases it is possible that after an update of cPanel, some permissions of a folder have been modified. It is therefore possible to solve this anomaly, restoring the correct permissions to the document_root (document root), simply by performing this short procedure which will then also be available in our frequently asked questions within the 4host customer area:

These are the properties that folders must have for your web hosting to work properly:

public_html > 0750
subfolders inside public_html > 0755
subdomains > 0755
addon domains > 0750

Also in this case, if we were to find folders that do not comply with these standards, they can be corrected by our control or by our security software or, if necessary, eliminated at any time.
Finally, if you should find that despite all these conditions being met, you are still unable to navigate to the relevant subdomain or additional domain created, please open a support ticket: support@4host.ch

  • dominio, dominio aggiuntivo, aggiunto dominio, dominio aggiunto, non funziona, add a website on same hosting plan, adding more website on same hosting plan, aggingere sito web sullo stesso piano hosting
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