Unsubscribe / Give the cancellation of a particular service, how to proceed?

The notice/cancellation period is 30 days before the end of the month and the day for which you have requested the service during the current year. It is not permitted to cancel this period expired.

Example: Mr. Rossi ordered a service on 20 03 2013, and has already paid for a year, his deadline to give notice is 20 02, 2014, accept cancellations with small delays (approx. 3 / 5 working days), we accept the cancellation causes of business failure, death of the owner and very serious events. We do not accept these terms cancellations later than that can be criminally prosecuted.

you can make a request in the customer once logged in with your username and password, you can cancel any service by doing the following:

  • Click on the link in the height of "Products / Services" or "number of domains" then Select the desired service by clicking on the box or "manage the domain name"
  • In the red square press the button to give us cancellation of the hosting plan
  • For the domain names there is no need to do anything. If you will you can disable the auto invoice feature found on Domain > my domain > clicking on the desired domain on an unwritten part, then choose > disable auto invoice. This way no future invoice will be created (Its not obligatory).
  • Insert a feed-back (important to us and much appreciated)
  • Follow the on-screen instructions until you have completed the process.

If you comply with the terms the system will record the cancellation correctly, otherwise you can get in touch with our support: to communicate a possible failure to register (this can happen if the bill is already being delivered to the customer. Invoice is delivered from our system three months before the expiry of the term of payment and if the customer after the creation of the bill will require the cancellation, you will need the following to delete the invoice so that the customer does not receive more reminders because sometimes it happens that is not canceled by us).

However, these reminders if the customer has complied with the terms can definitely ignore them and we'll still be grateful if the customer notifies us and signals the cancellation of the invoice, willingly proceed.

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